Category: General Information
Information, guides, tips, and advice to help people use our products, become safer drivers, or help their communities become a safer place.
Don’t Get A Boating Under The Influence Charge This Summer
Water skiing, tubing, and lying in the sunshine out on the waves – boating is one of those things you look forward to every summer. But if you’re hitting the…
No Easy Way Out For Teens Driving Under The Influence In Florida
If you’re under the age of 21, you can’t even have one drink before getting behind the wheel. That’s the bottom line with zero tolerance laws, and if you’re caught…
Can You Stop Binge Drinking By Sending A Text?
Imagine a world without the Internet, texting, or smartphones – although these tech innovations haven’t been around for that long, most people can’t fathom what life would be like without…
Binge Drinking 4th Leading Killer In USA
It’s pretty hard to spend an entire day without being exposed to alcohol in some way. You see people drinking on TV and in movies, it’s advertised in commercials, and…
Teen Binge Drinking Predicted By Brain Scans
Even in this day and age of tablet computers and smart phones, scanning your brain for information about what type of person you’ll be or what sort of behavior you…
Most Drugged Drivers Are How Old?
Have you ever watched the news and heard a report of a fatal crash where drugs were involved, then automatically assumed it was a young person? You wouldn’t be alone…
Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Try To Fool Your Ignition Interlock
Most people convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) wouldn’t even dream of trying to get around their ignition interlock device. Tampering with a court-ordered ignition interlock can result in…
Male Drivers Crashing More Often Than Female Drivers
If you’ve ever heard the saying, ‘crazy women drivers,’ you know there’s a bias against the female gender and their driving skills. Although this is a common perception, the actual…
Summer Cocktails Create A Real Summer Buzz
Frosty, fruity, and available in big, thirst quenching summer sizes – summer cocktails are one of those rites of the season that people look forward to when sitting on a…
How Much Can You Drink Before You Could Get A DUI?
Everyone handles alcohol in different ways, and there’s no simple formula for how much any one person can drink before they could be charged with driving under the influence (DUI).…