Category: General Information
Information, guides, tips, and advice to help people use our products, become safer drivers, or help their communities become a safer place.
Life After A DWI In New Mexico
New Mexico has a few mentions in the long history of drinking and driving in the United States. It ranks fourth out of all the states for finding new ways…
Maybe West Virginians Will Think Twice About Drunk Driving Now
What’s more tragic than a driving under the influence (DUI) crash involving young people? Families who have lost a young loved one due to drunk driving have said it feels…
Drunk Parents Choose 13 Year Old As Their Designated Driver
When you become a parent, you take on a set of responsibilities that you’ve never had before. You need to care for and teach another human being how to make…
Will MADD’s Line Of Virgin Drinks Stop Drunk Driving?
Organizations and local governments are taking a lot of different steps to fight back against drunk driving. From creating harsher driving under the influence (DUI) penalties to requiring ignition interlock…
Life After A DUI In Utah
When you’ve just received your first driving under the influence (DUI) conviction, life can seem a little grim. Depending on the state you’re in and whether or not you’re a…
You Can Be Charged With DUI If You Drive After Using Inhalants
If you sat down and took a look at the history of how people have driven under the influence over the past 50 or so years, you’d see a drastic…
Should The USA Follow Scotland’s Example And Drop The Blood Alcohol Limit?
Is a lower blood alcohol limit the key to lowering drunk driving rates in the United States? If use use Scotland as an example, it just may be. Drunk driving…
An Ignition Interlock Success Story
Too many people think of ignition interlock devices as a penalty. Because they’re part of what happens after you receive a driving under the influence (DUI) conviction, it might seem…
The DUI Lowdown On Memorial Day Weekend In California
Memorial Day is often thought of as the official kick off to summer, and if the driving under the influence (DUI) stats that come in from the California Highway Patrol…
Good Reminder You Get A DUI On Any Motorized Vehicle
It’s all too easy to fall into the trap of thinking you can only be arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) when you’re driving a car, truck, or van.…