Category: General Information
Information, guides, tips, and advice to help people use our products, become safer drivers, or help their communities become a safer place.
Friday Fallout: High School Students Witnesses To New Mexico DWI Trial
Before New Mexico ignition interlock laws changed to include first time offenders, the state had a serious problem with drunk drivers. Since that law passed in 2005, the state has…
There’s A Bright Side To The Florida Ignition Interlock Program
Taking part in the Florida ignition interlock program is a requirement for a Florida DUI, but only if a few conditions are met. First offenders need to install one if…
Drunk Driving In Texas Can Start With Just One Drink
The biggest question people have about drinking and driving is, “How much is too much?” The answer to that question is simple: there is no safe amount of alcohol you…
Are Wisconsin OWI Offenders Skipping Their Interlocks?
The news is full of stories about drunk drivers violating Wisconsin OWI laws, and that’s not really surprising all things considered. At this time first time offenders who are arrested…
California Drunk Driving Arrests Help State Win Top Spot For Worst Drivers
Have you ever wondered where the worst drivers in the United States live? Given Florida’s track record you would be forgiven for thinking it held this distinction, but you’d be…
What’s The Difference Between A Texas DUI And A Texas DWI?
What’s the difference between a Texas DUI conviction—known as driving under the influence, and a Texas DWI—driving while intoxicated? Both include serious penalties, but if you’ve just been charged with…
Hard To Believe, But This Texas DWI Crash Caused By Firefighter
There’s not much that can be said when a public servant makes the choice to drink and drive. It’s hard to understand how, after witnessing the crashes when someone drives…
Man 14 Years Late For His Drugged Driving Charge In Florida
You’d assume someone convicted of a crime and handed a jail sentence would stick around and work their way through the penalty handed to them by the judge. That’s usually…
Happy New Year From Guardian Interlock
2017 is now in the history books, and 2018 is finally here. With a new year to begin, you might be considering new resolutions or just looking for a fresh…
Friday Fallout: Here’s Why Drunk Driving On New Year’s Eve Is A Bad Idea
December 31st is here again, and as 2017 fades away and a fresh new year begins, it’s important to look back, reflect, and count all of the things you could…