Personal Breathalyzer Program Working Well In Colorado

personal breathalyzer

personal breathalyzer The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) has been running a personal breathalyzer program all year. Now that the year has almost concluded, they’ve got some interesting data to share.

The program was designed by CDOT for first time drunk drivers in Colorado. The participants were given a personal breathalyzer and tracked, with the goal of determining whether or not that breathalyzer would prevent them from receiving a second drunk driving conviction.

Of the 475 participants 75% said they regularly used a handheld breathalyzer. When the data came in, it showed that carrying a personal breathalyzer can really make an impact on a drunk driver.

Some drivers no longer assume they’re safe to drive after drinking  

Before the program, 42% of the participants thought they were fine to drive after a few drinks. Now that they have a personal breathalyzer, they no longer feel that way.

Only one person has received another DUI conviction

The goal of a personal breathalyzer is to prevent you from driving drunk, and since starting the CDOT program only one person out of the group has received a second DUI conviction.

The majority think everyone should own a personal breathalyzer

94% of CDOT participants think everyone who drinks should have a personal breathalyzer with them at all times.

Not everyone knows what the legal BAC is

It’s hard to imagine, but not everyone knows that .08 is the legal BAC in most states. 85% of the participants in CDOT’s program knew that was the legal limit for a DUI conviction in Colorado, but only 59% knew that there was a .05 limit at which you can be charged for DWAI (driving while ability impaired).

There’s one thing good to keep in mind when using a breathalyzer: just because you blow below the legal limit doesn’t mean you should drive. If you receive a reading of .06 on your personal breathalyzer, you’re still better off to stay safe and not drive at all.

Personal breathalyzers are a great tool to have around when you want to know what your blood limit is, and carrying one can help you stay safe during the holidays and beyond.