Before You Get Arrested For DUI, Try An Interactive DUI Experience

Before you get arrested for DUI

Before you get arrested for DUIIf you’ve never made the decision to drink and drive, you might not comprehend how dangerous it is. Even if you’ve seen the PSAs, heard about a friend getting injured in a drunk driving crash, or know someone who’s been arrested for DUI, you may not understand how alcohol will impair your driving skills unless you find a way to try it yourself.

Thankfully you don’t have to take lives into your own hands by actually drinking and driving yourself; you can experience what it’s like to drive impaired virtually using a few online apps. Designed to stop people from driving drunk and subsequently getting arrested for DUI, these apps walk you through the feelings, situations, and outcomes of drinking and driving. Virtual Bar

The Virtual Bar helps you understand blood alcohol concentration (BAC). It will show you how your body reacts to and feels after drinking alcohol, and it takes into account what can happen to your BAC after eating, drinking water, and how long it takes to become completely sober again.

 NHTSA Last Call

Last call takes you on a virtual experience where you choose a cocktail lounge or sports bar. You’ll make other decisions too, including how many drinks to have and whether or not you’re going to get behind the wheel of your car and potentially be arrested for DUI.

These are just two impaired driving simulators you can try online to really understand how alcohol affects your driving skills. It’s far safer to do a quick run-through using one of these virtual experiences than it is to actually get behind the wheel of a car, so if you want someone you love to understand the impact of drunk driving, get them to pull out their smartphone or tablet instead of their car keys. You may be able to stop a tragedy before it happens.